
Grant Application

Autism Services Grants Council 2024 Grant Cycle
Request for Proposals
The 2024 Grant cycle will open on July 1, 2024

The Florida Autism License Plate and the Autism Services Grants Council are administered by Arc Broward, a Florida 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

About the Autism Services Grants Council (“ASGC”)

In 2009, the Florida Legislature authorized the “Support Autism Services” specialty license plate and Autism Services Grants Council to help provide funds for service programs for individuals with autism and related disabilities and their families throughout the state.

What will be considered? For this 2024 cycle, the ASGC will consider applications for grant funds to provide direct services to individuals with autism and related disabilities.

What is not eligible? Grants funds may not be used to purchase: Vehicles, real property, building improvements, or for capital campaigns, endowments, lobbying, research, incurred debt, and program expenses incurred prior to grant approval.

Who is eligible? Applicants must be not for profit entities having a current Internal Revenue Service designation as a 501(c)(3) exempt organization, and a current State of Florida Charitable Solicitation Registration number (or written evidence of statutory exemption from Florida registration requirements) and be providing services to individuals with autism and related disabilities in Florida. Past recipients are eligible to apply. If awarded, distribution of funds contingent upon receipt of final report from previous award year. One application per nonprofit will be considered.

How much are the Grants? Grants will not exceed $10,000.

How long is the Grant For? Grant awards are for one year.

Where/How do I submit a proposal? Proposals should be submitted electronically, by filling out the form below. A reply acknowledging our receipt of the documents will be sent to you. If you do not receive a reply within three business days, please contact the ASGC (c/o Arc Broward) at 954-746-9400 or info@autismlicenseplate.com to inquire.

What are the Application Submission Deadlines? Applications are due by July 31, 2024.

*Please review the entire application and have your documents necessary to complete the application prior to starting and filling out the form fields. Your work will not be saved. Any applicants who fail to provide all requested information and attachments will not be considered.

This project and any approved amendments to this project are subject to  State Projects Compliance for Autism License Plate (CSFA Number 76.109).

 As such, grant recipients (subrecipients) must comply with the requirements for the Autism License Plate Florida State Single Audit.

Grant Recipients (subrecipients) that receive other state funds in addition to the funds received by the Autism Services Grants Council will be required to comply with the Florida State Single Audit Act and will be required to have a single audit if total state expenditures meet Florida State Single Audit Act Threshold.

Grant Proposal to the Autism Services Grants Council

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Line Item Budget for which ASGC Funds are requested:

Please upload a line item budget for the requested project, including items to be provided by other funding sources or in-kind items. The budget must account for all funds requested from the ASGC. If awarded the grant, the budget outline must be followed unless adjustments are approved in writing by the ASGC prior to incurring the expense..

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Supplemental Materials Required

Please upload the following in separate PDF documents:

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Autism License Plate Marketing Section

The funds available through this grants process are generated through the sale of the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plates. Marketing outreach and communication help support our efforts to raise awareness and increase funding available for autism services. The following provisions and requirements are related to these efforts.

Funder Recognition

The Recipient of ASGC funds shall actively publicize and support the work of the ASGC through name and logo inclusion on all funded program materials, client and parent information and forms, banner displays and recognition in Annual Reports, newsletters and other forms of agency and/or program promotion. Recipient staff working in ASGC-funded programs shall be made aware of ASGC support through agency orientation sessions, staff meetings, and other employee communication strategies. Recipients of ASGC funds will also receive a marketing toolkit with templates for press releases, social media as well as other marketing materials which they will agree to use in the promotion of the Florida “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plate and the ASGC. Evidence of these efforts may be a factor in future ASGC funding recommendations.

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